Statement on Reclaim Australia Mobilisations in Melbourne

1. Reclaim Australia was very successful on 4 April in aggregating racist and fascist forces throughout Australia.

2. This had been a long term project of the far right in Australia for many years and for many years the left had prevented it from occurring.

3. Reclaim Australia has now split in to right wing racists and outright fascist components. Their components are still as dangerous as they were before.

4. Reclaim Australia and fascist groups have now called something like 18 rallies to take place in various locations in the near future.

5. On 19 July they plan at least 14 rallies around Australia against Islam, against Mosques, against the right to wear cultural dress, against Muslim businesses, against refugees and against multiculturalism. We are working with comrades all around Australia to counter each one of those racist rallies.

6. On 18 July they plan at least one rally in Melbourne on all of the above issues. However, in their publicity, they are describing it as a retaliation against the Melbourne left for having successfully opposed them on the 4 April. We will join with No Room for Racism in a united counter rally that stops the Reclaim Australia movement.

7. On 31 May, the fascist components are promising a very aggressive rally against Yarra City Council, the Socialist Party and prominent members of the Socialist Party including Stephen Jolly, Anthony Main and Mel Gregson.

8. It is possible that on 31 May splinters of the fascist components will attempt to attack the meeting called Uniting Against Islamophobia that will be held at the Multicultural Hub, 506 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne, as the leadership of the socialist party will be participating in the meeting.

9. A number of left organisations are attempting to mobilise against this new threat.

10. One left meeting that was held on 19 May established a coalition to help organise against the fascists and racists. It is understood that what is required is actually a much wider mobilisation in the labour movement and in the left, and in communities across Melbourne and Australia. However, this was a useful first step.

11. We called this coalition Campaign Against Racism and Fascism. It is not meant to be exclusive or even the complete answer to what we are facing. However we need structures in order to organise.

12. We have called a counter mobilisation to the fascist rally expected in Richmond on Sunday 31 May.

13. We have also called for defence of the Uniting Against Islamophobia meeting that will be held on 31 May at the Multicultural Hub, 506 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne at 2pm.

14. We will defend Stephen Jolly, Anthony Main and Mel Gregson and the Socialist Party and the meeting.

15. We have stopped the fascists before. We will stop the fascists again. They will not break our movement.


Counter rally against Reclaim Australia, neo-Nazis