Adam Bandt to speak at the CARF United Rally: Free All Refugees
Although 46 men were freed from the Park Hotel, the fight for these refugees is far from over — with 13 men still imprisoned inside, along with more Medevac refugees detained in the Melbourne Immigration Transit Accommodation. To help these men break out, the Campaign Against Racism and Fascism (CARF) will be holding their largest United Rally on January 30, at 2pm outside the Park Hotel on Swanston St, Carlton.
Melburnians condemn plans to hold ‘white power’ gig
UK neo-Nazi “music” promoters Blood & Honour have announced a ‘white power’ gig in Melbourne to be headlined by Fortress on October 12. Similar events have been held in Melbourne, Brisbane and the Gold Coast in the past — they are small, underground and limited to a paltry hardcore fan base.
Protest against Milo Yiannopoulos in Melbourne
CARF held a successful demonstration outside Milo Yiannopoulos’ sold out Melbourne shows in Kensington last night with up to 500 people taking part despite the last minute release of the location details. Milo is well known for his provocative views and is a key figure within a growing international far right movement known as the Alt Right. The protest had been organised with the aim of drawing attention to the fact that Milo is a Nazi sympathiser and to involve as many diverse people as possible.
Melburnians to rally against the United Patriots Front this Saturday
The neo-Nazi group, United Patriots Front (UPF), announced a snap action outside Premier Daniel Andrews’ office this Saturday. UPF claims that Andrews has turned his back on “Aussie workers,” “parroting the usual diversity dogma while selling out the working Australian people.” For this, UPF calls him a communist. Campaign Against Racism and Fascism (CARF) has called out Melburnians to again counter-rally.
Melburnians will join Bendigo to send neo-Nazis packing
This Saturday, October 10, Melburnians will join the community of Bendigo to defend the city against the neo-Nazi United Patriots Front (UPF). On this so-called global day of action against Islam, the UPF will hold its second rally in Bendigo. Here, some residents had attempted unsuccessfully to stop the construction of a mosque.
Counter rally against Reclaim Australia, neo-Nazis
On July 18, Melburnians will say to Reclaim Australia and neo-Nazis: “GET OUT! NEVER AGAIN!” Melbourne’s third counter-mobilisation against Reclaim Australia (RA) and United Patriots Front (UPF) on July 18 is expected to far outnumber previous ones in April and May. According to Campaign Against Racism and Fascism (CARF), an organiser of these counter-demonstrations, this is partially because RA and UPF have extended their focus from Muslims to include the Left, unions, Aboriginal Australians, feminists and LGBTIQ community.